Creating Awareness of Microplastics
Toxic waste can be dumped into the oceans, and landfills, like people getting a good day at the beach and leaving the plastic bottle, plastic plates and so many other articles that could end at the ocean or anywhere else. Those plastic degrade with time and can become microplastics, plastics getting smaller and smaller over time. If they are in the ocean, the marine animals are going to eat them, they won't notice the difference if it is plankton or not. Other marine animals will eat those fish, and those fish will end into your plate to be eaten by you or me, or your family. That could affect your health and not be aware of what is causing it until it is late.
Health Impacts of Microplastics?
Dr. Stephanie Wright , has 9 years años of research experience in the field of microplastics specifically in the exposure and biological impacts with an emphasis on airborne plastic pollution which you should read.
The Washington Post article of Oct 7, 2019 de las 2:00 p.m. GMT-4, " You’re literally eating microplastics. How you can cut down exposure to them" , indicates that the research about microplastics is so new but could further expose us to harmful chemicals found in some plastics. Those chemicals have been linked to a variety of health problems. Please read the article very interesting that addresses how to avoid some of the associated problems.
Pollution is everywhere, Microplastic is everywhere there is no escape if you don't do anything about it. Your baby bottles are a focal point for microplastics, just shake the baby formula in hot water inside the bottle, and your baby will end up swallowing microplastic particles, you need to change those bottles with glass ones. But you may ask, glass bottles are safe or not to drink water? Read this article about it, it is safe? or click on Read More.
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